More to come...

List of changes since September 2022:

  1.  "auto teleport" is replaced with "auto retrieve"
    1. This happens whenever the throw timer runs out
    2. This will help with player control but at the cost of recovery which makes you more vulnerable
    3. I am currently working on smoother action animations to give a more "fluid" movement control. 
  2. A Puzzle "switch" has been added to the "Beta" Bosses
    1. this puzzle mechanic is optional but will make the boss easier (if you can figure it out)
    2. this is one of the examples of how "education-ish" concepts will be designed into gameplay (I can't wait to get playtesters on this :) All bosses will have a "puzzle" to them but will remain challenging regardless.
  3. New platform obstacles [youtube devlog on this soon] # sorry I know I haven't posted much but I am trying to prioritize game development over vlogs.
    1. purple box - can only be destroyed by the purple power-up
    2. green box - will insta-kill you if you touch it whether it's your head or body. (this will introduce one of the few ways your head can be destroyed) green head power-up is immune of course.
    3. red box - explosives that does not damage you if you have the red head power-up. 
  4. "red head" power-up now creates mini-explosions to make easy of clearing out crates or enemies. 
  5. "purple head' power-up will now pass through enemies and crates that are not purple without losing momentum
  6. The green hazard no longer damages you unless you get stuck in it. 
    1. it also forces you to teleport if you walk through it
  7. Steam capsule Art coming soon!

Vague Milestones to complete:

  • - Level Design of all existing mechanics. 
  • - Replayability 
  • - potentially 4 new enemies
  • - Lambda Bosses 3x
  • - Beta Bosses 2x more
  • - Delta Bosses 3x
  • - Theta Bosses 3x
  • - Launch ;)

Get Star Head - Demo

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