1 year working on my game!

Now with a Steam page! Planned for release in 2023. 


I am trying to catch all my other accounts up to the current development stage. There is a lot that has been done that hasn't been shared so I will be using my blogs and youtube as a catalyst. 

You can check out the YouTube video linked to this post for more information regarding the title or check out my blog: https://www.avonumgame.com/my-struggle-after-one-year-of-game-development/

I also have a short time capsule of this on Twitter. https://twitter.com/BaltCito/status/1560230358507028481?s=20&t=ix-hNHY3pMb09FzwI...

You are welcome to try the alpha of this game here but it is outdated with the current stage of development. 

Get Star Head - Demo

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