You have retrieved the magic teacups for your associates at the TeaTime Corporations (TTC). But then... out of nowhere... a rival gang of evil coffee brewers ambushes you for the cups. 

There are many of them... you'll have to use your swift moves to avoid losing the cups at all costs. 

Remember your training { AWSD to move }

Show these cowardly coffee been throwers that no one... and I mean NO ONE can touch the mightly TTC. 

Can you last?

[Entry for the Trijam: 3-Hour GameJam]

Mini Devlog:

Made in 2 hours 58 mins with Unity.

I used music & SFX from my other projects. Maybe 5 mins or so to implement.

Most of my downtime came from my incorrect math/logic for the randomized bean shooters & using the wrong method to rotate the teacups around the player (probably around 1-hour setback).

quickly sketch the teacups. didn't get to the coffee beans, unfortunately.

it was supposed to say "Game Over" when you lose but I forgot to put in the StartCoroutine() function in the update method.

Glad I took on this challenge. I learned the importance of quick prototyping before worrying about what to keep and what to clean up in code. It was a nice exercise!


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My highest score was 42 second